Extreme formula designed by and for athletes. Hand in hand with the brand new Oxygen Nutrition, comes to the European market Constructor, just the perfect formula. We all know that it is vital to provide the muscle food after a hard workout, and whatever your discipline or objective, any athlete layout you want to increase performance and muscle mass.
Unfortunately almost all forms of proteins or post-workout, do not have the required amount of branched amino acids, glutamine and ornithine, for there is the need to supplement it independently. One of the dilemmas that many athletes involved, is which one is more important if the BCAA or L-Glutamine, as well the latest research from the University of Ontario show that branched amino acids (BCAA’s) increase their effectiveness when combined with L-Glutamine, Ornithine and especially taurine (so important in the absorption of nutrients), clear the dilemma now is multiplied as it is a hassle and an extra pocket, 4 products, 4 different shots. As with Builder, you will have solved this problem, as in a wall gives you an extra super amount of these.
Constructor properties : – Super-Anabolic Formula. – There is nothing better to repair and build muscle cells. – Extreme and highly concentrated formula – Does not contain any sugar or glucose. – It consists of branched amino acids (BCAAs), glutamine, taurine, ornithine and Vitamin 6. – L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine in ratios: 2:1:1 – Promotes muscle recovery effort. – Lemon Flavor